Alexis Michailidis MRICS

Head of Valuation

alexis profile
Demos Georgiou Logo
Demos Georgiou Logo

Alexis is the head of Valuation Services in our firm and he is member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) in Property Investment and Finance

Alexis specialises in the provision of financial advisory services in the real estate sector and property development. More specifically, his experience and expertise include the preparation of business plans, feasibility studies, development appraisals as well as of valuations in real estate portfolios, due diligence of properties and financial models in the real estate sector and property development. Prior to joining our firm, he was employed by Resolute Asset Management, where he held the position of REO Asset Manager. He also had the opportunity to work on underwriting mandates of large Real Estate portfolios for large institutional investors such as Pimco, Cerberus Capital Management and Apollo Global Management.

Prior to joining Resolute Asset Management, Alexis was employed by PwC Cyprus where he held the position of Senior Associate. Some of his duties involved the preparation of feasibility studies, development appraisals, business plans, Real Estate Due Diligence reports and benchmarking analysis. He was also involved in various underwriting mandates for institutional investors. Prior to joining PwC, he was employed by a local banking institution in Cyprus (Department of Valuation). Prior to joining the bank, he was employed by one of the largest real estate valuation firms in Cyprus, where he gained extensive experience in the local real estate market. He has acquired an undergraduate degree in Business Management from Middlesex University, a Bachelor of Laws from London University and a postgraduate degree in Real Estate Development from Westminster University.


Contact us for a professional and dependent assessment of your property’s market value.